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Surrendering to God: Finding Peace Through Faith

Life Lesson 46: I’m discovering that surrendering to God is one of the purest forms of obedience. Because He is sovereign, faithful, and completely trustworthy, trusting Him fully is both wise and reassuring.

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.” —James 4:10 NLT

Enduring Trials with God’s Presence

Trials and hardships are a real and inevitable part of life, arriving at various times and for many reasons. The question is not if they will come but how we should prepare for them. As followers of Jesus Christ, we draw comfort and guidance from Scripture, understanding that God’s sovereignty means He is in full control and nothing takes Him by surprise. In this blog, let’s reflect on Biblical encouragement to trust in God, submit to His will, and release our own understanding and desires to Him.

Trusting in God’s Plan

What we have experienced in our lives—be it in our family, work, health, finance or relationships—is known by God. He is with us through every high and low, including the moments of receiving hard news or facing personal challenges. We find solace in Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT, where we are encouraged to trust the Lord wholeheartedly and not rely solely on our understanding. Acknowledging God’s sovereignty liberates us, allowing us to trust and surrender every unknown to Him because He is acquainted with every part of our journey.

Worship Through Surrender

Surrendering to God entails offering ourselves as living sacrifices, an act described in Romans 12:1 NLT as true and proper worship. In times of trial, it may be tempting to stray from God’s will, yet the Bible teaches the importance of steadfastness and resistance to such temptations. James 4:7 NLT reminds us of the power of submitting to God, promising us victory over adversity.

The Sacrifice of Following Jesus

Following Jesus means more than belief—it requires the sacrifice of our trust and complete surrender. Matthew 16:24-25 NLT challenges us to deny ourselves and follow Him, promising that in losing our lives for His sake, we find true life. This calls us to place total faith in Christ, empowering us to overcome any adversity with the strength He provides.

Finding Patience and Peace in God’s Timing

In our darkest hours, it’s natural to wish for immediate relief from our burdens. However, mirroring Jesus’ prayer in Luke 22:42 NLT, we should seek to align our desires with God’s will, trusting that His plans exceed our own. Scriptures like Isaiah 55:8-9 remind us of the vast difference between our thoughts and ways and those of the Lord, urging us to seek His wisdom above all.

The Role of Humility in Our Relationship with God

God’s Word places a significant emphasis on humility, a quality that He deeply values. 1 Peter 5:6-7 NLT calls us to humble yourselves under God’s mighty hand, promising that in due time, He will lift us up.

Casting our anxieties on Him is an act of trust, acknowledging that He cares for us profoundly and uniquely. This divine care assures us that we never have to face life’s challenges alone.

Finally, in surrendering to God and embracing humility, we find a path to enduring life’s trials with grace and confidence, anchored in the certainty of His unfailing love and wisdom.

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen.” –Reinhold Niebuhr

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